Learn more about TMS and Ketamine Treatments.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a safe, non-invasive technique that painlessly stimulates the brain's cortex by producing brief magnetic pulses that excite and stimulate the site to induce changes. Studies have shown repetitive stimulation (rTMS) has been effective in improving motor and cognitive functions to reduce depressive symptoms in multiple conditions.
At Integrated Spine and Pain Care we tailor our comprehensive treatment plans to the needs of each individual.
Using our FDA approved CloudTMS machine, TMS has been known to help the following conditions:
- Depression
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a mental health condition that can result in severe impairment in quality of life. Those struggling with MDD suffer from persistent feelings of sadness, difficulty sleeping, suicidal ideation and more. Although medication and therapy are often recommended as treatment, it is not for everyone. TMS can serve as a viable option for those who have not benefited from antidepressant medication or therapy. TMS works by placing magnetic coils that emanate electromagnetic pulses which are focused on certain areas of the brain associated with mood regulation, memory, and conflict management. A recent study demonstrated that about 50% of people continued to respond to TMS treatment after their initial visit. However, more research is needed in fully understanding the efficacy of long-term TMS treatment.
- Anxiety
Anxiety is characterized as persistent and excessive worry that interferes with daily life. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health illness as it affects around 40 million people annually. Those who struggle from anxiety disorders often experience feelings of impending danger, panic, sweating, trembling, irritability, difficulty concentrating and more.
Although medications are often used in treating anxiety disorders, some choose to end medication treatment due to side effects such as delayed movement and dizziness. Additionally, about 40% of people do not respond to medication treatment. Alternatively, TMS can be used as a way to manage anxiety disorders by stimulating overactive areas in the brain to reduce neurons to normal activity levels. Depression and anxiety are often interconnected due to the dysregulation of similar areas in the brain therefore TMS can provide relief to those who may be struggling from both by bringing under regulated areas of the brain back to normal levels.
Multiple studies have indicated positive results in treating various anxiety disorders with TMS therapy such as Panic Disorder (PD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). In fact, studies showed 70% of those suffering from anxiety had significant improvement response to TMS and 60% demonstrated remission from anxiety.
- Chronic Pain
Our FDA approved CloudTMS machine is used to stimulate the primary motor cortex. This cortical stimulation can lead to a significant reduction in pain. TMS has been known to treat pain conditions including:
- Fibromyalgia
- Back pain
- Chronic Pain Syndrome
- Myofascial and Orofacial pain
- Headaches
- Addictions
Treatment specialists have started to integrate TMS treatment into their care as it can provide benefits to those who are suffering from depression as a symptom of withdrawal. TMS stimulates the brain and returns balance to mood changes associated with depression from withdrawal.
- Tinnitus
Tinnitus is a condition that brings significant psychological stress to the individual as they experience ringing, buzzing, clicking or other noises in one or both ears. This condition is associated with symptoms of hearing loss, dizziness, and difficulty concentrating. Studies have shown that TMS has the capability to reduce these symptoms. When used for tinnitus, TMS is placed over the auditory cortex part of the brain where about 900 – 1,200 pulses stimulate the brain at a frequency of 1Hz for 15-20 minutes.
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric condition that occurs after experiencing a traumatic event and is often accompanied by intense physical and emotional triggers. TMS can be considered as a viable option when standard treatments such as medication and talk therapy have failed. TMS for this condition will target areas of the brain most associated with symptoms of PTSD such as the amygdala, the part of the brain associated with fear, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, associated with processing emotions and the hippocampus which is responsible for memories. Although it is not guaranteed that TMS will eliminate PTSD symptoms, it can support the individual in alleviating or reducing the symptoms of PTSD.
There’s no need for any form of anesthesia before TMS therapy. When you come in for your sessions, you’ll relax in the treatment chair as Dr. Sarij takes some quick head measurements. Once the treatment coil is positioned, your session begins. TMS treatment requires multiple sessions over a period of weeks to achieve optimal results. Each visit lasts between 20-50 minutes, and you can return to normal activities immediately after your appointments.
There’s no need for any form of recovery after sessions. Some people begin to notice the results right away, while others experience dramatic improvements in symptoms over a number of weeks or months after completing their treatment plan.
Some people experience a light tapping sensation in their scalp during TMS sessions however, there is no significant discomfort. Any sensations are the result of nerves in your scalp reacting to the electrical stimulation; the effects within your brain don’t produce any sensation during treatments.
TMS requires the use of a strong magnet. Therefore, risks include those who have metal implants in their neck or head or those who have a history of seizures or traumatic brain injury. The following should be reported to your provider:
- If you are prone to seizures
- Have history of severe head trauma
- Brain tumors
- Any medical implant containing metal
- Cochlear implants
- Metal stents
- Shrapnel or bullet fragments
- Tattoos containing magnetic or magnet-sensitive ink
Titanium and metal in areas that are 10cm away from the head are usually okay but should still be reported to the provider.
TMS is covered by most insurance plans. We work with your insurance company to verify benefits and coverage and establish any out of pocket expenses before you receive TMS treatment.
When you’re ready to learn more about how TMS can work for you, call Integrated Spine And Pain Care to set up a visit or book online in just moments!


Medication Management

Pain Treatment

Hyaluronic Acid Injections


Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Ketamine Infusions

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